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Thread Help with TServerRequests and JSON...
Tue, Jun 7 2016 3:46 PMPermanent Link

Mario Enríquez

Open Consult

Hello, I'm new to EWB and still trying to fully understand it.

The forms and components aspect are really well made and easy to understand to someone with a Delphi background.

It is the Data/Requests that are becoming a really stop block.

I couldn't find a sample or figure out how to use a TServerRequest to call a rest api (ASP.NET) and parse the returning JSON.

I've read about server modules, datasets etc. but it doesn't apply to my need since I'm somewhat tied to an existing backend (Microsoft WebApi).

Could anybody please share or point me to some sample EWB source code on how to deal with this scenario?

Thanks in advance.

Tue, Jun 7 2016 4:16 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 6/7/2016 3:46 PM, Mario Enr�quez wrote:
> It is the Data/Requests that are becoming a really stop block.
> I couldn't find a sample or figure out how to use a TServerRequest to call a rest api (ASP.NET) and parse the returning JSON.

Have you tried the server request sample in the manual ?


Any sample source code would essentially be a copy of code that's on
that page. you still need to use proper URL and params for your web service.

It shows you how to create a basic server request and show the data
returned (i would just print out everything returned initially).

I'd start with that to ensure you can connect first - meaning you're not
running into any authentication or cross origin issues (if you're
hosting your EWB app from same IIS server that your WebAPI is on then
all should just work; otherwise you need to ensure IIS allows CORS).

Once you know you see the data coming back you can look into parsing it
- depending on complexity of JSON you have few options but TReader would
be best way.

See "Object Persistence" example or these postings in newsgroups to get
started :




Wed, Jun 8 2016 5:53 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I couldn't find a sample or figure out how to use a TServerRequest to call a rest api (ASP.NET) and parse the returning JSON. >>

Raul is correct, what you want is the TReader to read (parse) the JSON returned from the TServerRequest:


If you want to have EWB do this for you, then you can use a TPersistent-descendant class with published properties that match those of the incoming JSON:


As Raul says, the Object Persistence example application shows exactly how this is done:


If you're still stuck, then post the JSON API spec here and we'll help you further.   The Object Persistence example doesn't cover arrays/list properties, so sometimes that can complicate things.  But, they're easily handled, either manually in your TPersistent-descendant or by using the TCollection class for any list properties:


EWB itself uses the JSON persistence to load forms at runtime.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, Jun 8 2016 7:57 PMPermanent Link

Mario Enríquez

Open Consult

Thank you very much folks! That's exactly the information I was looking out but couldn't find (or didn't know how to search... :-| ).

Tim, I must definitly will be working with collections/arrays to fill out a TGrid. I will try to find my way around the TPersistent class and if reach a dead end I'll post the JSON spec.

Tue, Jun 21 2016 5:46 PMPermanent Link

Mario Enríquez

Open Consult

Tim, I review the TPersistent sample project and it clear on how to manage a single instance.

However, I'm having trouble load an array. Could you please post a plain sample on how to deal with arrays/collections?

Here's a sample of the JSON I need to parse.

  "Descripcion":"EQUIPO 1"
   "Descripcion":"EQUIPO 3"

And the class to represent a single instance of this array should be the following:

  TEPEquipo = class(TPersistent)
     FCompania: string;
     FTaller: string;
     FCodigo: string;
     FDescripcion: double;
     property Compania: string read FCompania write FCompania;
     property Taller: string read FTaller write FTaller;
     property Codigo: string read FCodigo write FCodigo;
     property Descripcion: double read FDescripcion write FDescripcion;

Wed, Jun 22 2016 4:58 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Mario Enríquez wrote:

> However, I'm having trouble load an array. Could you please post a
> plain sample on how to deal with arrays/collections?


That has all the detail, and if you search for the functions like
LoadProperty you will find a few follow up questions and answers. Once
you understand it, it is very easy to do any type of array (I have one
object with 5 arrays, and it needs a flag to tell the creator which
type of object to add to which list, but that's easy to do).


Matthew Jones
Thu, Jun 23 2016 10:38 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< However, I'm having trouble load an array. Could you please post a plain sample on how to deal with arrays/collections? >>

If you define a TCollection descendant class (along with making your class a TCollectionItem descendant class), then you can just use the persistence built into the TCollection class to load the JSON:


  TEPEquipo = class(TCollectionItem)
     FCompania: string;
     FTaller: string;
     FCodigo: string;
     FDescripcion: string;
     property Compania: string read FCompania write FCompania;
     property Taller: string read FTaller write FTaller;
     property Codigo: string read FCodigo write FCodigo;
     property Descripcion: string read FDescripcion write FDescripcion;

  TEPEquipos = class(TCollection)
        constructor Create; override;
        procedure LoadFromJSON(const Value: String);


{ TEPEquipos }

constructor TEPEquipos.Create;
  inherited Create(TEPEquipo);

procedure TEPEquipos.LoadFromJSON(const Value: String);
  TempReader: TReader;

And, finally, this is how you would use it:

procedure TfrmMain.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  TempEquipos: TEPEquipos;
     TempEquipos.LoadFromJSON(MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Text); // Or load it from a TServerRequest, etc.

If you need to save to JSON, then that's a bit of an issue still because, when working up this example, I noticed that the TCollection and TStrings classes don't have the "Save" portion of persistence implemented.  I've added this for 2.05, so it should be available soon.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Jun 23 2016 1:04 PMPermanent Link

Mario Enríquez

Open Consult

Thank you very much Tim, it makes sense now.


Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:


<< However, I'm having trouble load an array. Could you please post a plain sample on how to deal with arrays/collections? >>

If you define a TCollection descendant class (along with making your class a TCollectionItem descendant class), then you can just use the persistence built into the TCollection class to load the JSON:


  TEPEquipo = class(TCollectionItem)
     FCompania: string;
     FTaller: string;
     FCodigo: string;
     FDescripcion: string;
     property Compania: string read FCompania write FCompania;
     property Taller: string read FTaller write FTaller;
     property Codigo: string read FCodigo write FCodigo;
     property Descripcion: string read FDescripcion write FDescripcion;

  TEPEquipos = class(TCollection)
        constructor Create; override;
        procedure LoadFromJSON(const Value: String);


{ TEPEquipos }

constructor TEPEquipos.Create;
  inherited Create(TEPEquipo);

procedure TEPEquipos.LoadFromJSON(const Value: String);
  TempReader: TReader;

And, finally, this is how you would use it:

procedure TfrmMain.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  TempEquipos: TEPEquipos;
     TempEquipos.LoadFromJSON(MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Text); // Or load it from a TServerRequest, etc.

If you need to save to JSON, then that's a bit of an issue still because, when working up this example, I noticed that the TCollection and TStrings classes don't have the "Save" portion of persistence implemented.  I've added this for 2.05, so it should be available soon.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Jun 23 2016 3:07 PMPermanent Link

Mario Enríquez

Open Consult


I just test your sample and it compiles and runs without error but the TCollectionItem's properties are empty.

Here's my class definition:

  TCOBahia = class(TCollectionItem)
     FCompania: string;
     FTaller: string;
     FCodigo: string;
     FDescripcion: string;
     property Compania: string read FCompania write FCompania;
     property Taller: string read FTaller write FTaller;
     property Codigo: string read FCodigo write FCodigo;
     property Descripcion: string read FDescripcion write FDescripcion;

 TCOBahias = class(TCollection)
       constructor Create; override;
       procedure LoadFromJSON(const Value: String);

And the code I used to load the JSON from a ServerRequest OnComplete event:

procedure TfmEPPlanificacion.srGetBahiasComplete(Request: TServerRequest);
  resultado: string;
  if (Request.StatusCode = HTTP_OK) then
     resultado := Request.ResponseContent.Text;


     FBahias := TCOBahias.Create;

     ShowMessage('Total Bahias:' + IntToStr(FBahias.Count));

     ShowMessage('Bahia No.1: ' + TCOBahia(FBahias.Items[0]).Codigo);
     resultado := Request.StatusText;

The actual result from the ServerRequest as show on the ShowMessage right after reading the ResponseContent.Text is:

[{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"301","Descripcion":"ENDEREZADO 1"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"302","Descripcion":"ENDEREZADO 2"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"303","Descripcion":"PREPARADO 1"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"304","Descripcion":"PREPARADO 2"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"305","Descripcion":"PREPARADO 3"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"306","Descripcion":"PINTURA"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"307","Descripcion":"PULIDO"},{"Compania":"CS","Taller":"011","Codigo":"308","Descripcion":"ARMADO"}]

The Collection is correctly populated with 8 elements as tested by ShowMessage('Total Bahias:' + IntToStr(FBahias.Count)).

But the all the the TCOBahia instances (TCollectionItem) properties are empty. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

Thu, Jun 23 2016 3:19 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Note the "published" not public of the properties.

Matthew Jones
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